Comparative Politics Links General Comparative Politics Information: Nationmaster (the best one-stop site for comparative statistics--check it out!) The WWW Virtual Library: International Affairs Resources (an outstanding page of links!) Freedom House (A conservative US think tank that provides good comparative data and rankings). World Audit (A Freedom House site that contains great comparative rankings and data.  It includes country-by-country summaries). Rulers (A site that contains information on current and past leaders of every country in the world). Political Science Resource Pages (a UK site with area studies links broken down by country) Transparency International (good comparative source on corruption) The World Justice Project Rule of Law Index (great comparative indicators on the rule of law) News Sources Online (English Language) The BBC (The UK's leading news organization) The Economist (outstanding weekly from London) The New York Times (One of the most authoritative US dailies) The Washington Post (One of the most authoritative US dailies) The Christian Science Monitor (Excellent international news) USA Today (A good source of graphics and pro-con editorial opinions) Yahoo/Reuters World News (divided into regions) (A wonderful source of international news, editorials, and photos). Watching America (A great place to find foreign-language editorials translated into English) Electoral Systems: Elections and Electoral Systems (Information on forms of proportional representation) Elections: Results and Voting Systems (More on proportional representation) PR Library: Readings on Proportional Representation (good explanations of how PR works in comparison to the US system) The Center for Voting and Democracy (information on different electoral systems). Parliaments: Inter-Parliamentary Union (a great source on constitutions and elections) International Organizations and Governmental Agencies: Amnesty International (good source for human rights information) CIA World Factbook (good source for basic background information) Greenpeace International (good source for environmental data) International Monetary Fund (good source of economic data) Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (good source for economic data) United Nations (all kinds of wonderful information) World Bank (good source of economic data) World Trade Organization (good source of trade data) Area Studies: Click on the area below for some useful lists: Latin America United Kingdom
Last Updated: March 15, 2019